I had a nail-biting moment recently, while returning home from an international trip via Houston. My first flight had been delayed by two hours and by the time I reached the end of the mile-long U.S. Immigration line, I received a text from United Airlines that my next flight was boarding. I’m sure you can relate to the feeling of panic this scenario can conjure.
I wasn’t willing to accept that I would miss my flight and most likely get stuck overnight in either Houston or the alternative connection that United was offering me. I made a request to my helping spirits, that assistance be given at every point so that I could make my next flight. Although I knew this was a tall order, I thanked them in advance for their help.
We each have helping spirits that are guiding us, whether we are aware of them or not. There is a wealth of different compassionate and loving helpers that work with us – power animals, guardian spirits, nature spirits, elemental allies, angels, mystics, healers, legendary figures, and ancestral spirits, among others.
When we take the opportunity to have a conscious relationship with them, we receive clear, individualized guidance that helps in every area of life – self-awareness, health, financial, interpersonal relationships, and work. They also perform healings on us.
I am reminded of a morning meditation, about 5 years ago. This was a time when I was experiencing extreme anxiety related to a stressful work decision. I was accustomed to releasing emotional discomfort in my body through meditation however, this one time, the sensation of panic in my gut just would not dissipate. The physical discomfort was so intense, I felt I couldn’t stand it a moment longer. I asked my helping spirits for assistance in releasing it, and thanked them. Immediately, the feeling of a soft caress, came over my right shoulder and moved down to my solar plexus and then out the window to my left. Like a soft breeze. Instantly the tightness eased and I felt an immense amount of peace and light fill the area where the discomfort had been.
When we intentionally send out our requests to the Universe, we do receive answers. After that, it’s up to us to be aware and trust the signs so we can take advantage of the wisdom they contain.
There are many ways to receive divine guidance once we ask for help. These are a few that suggestions that work for me:
1. Ask for a sign confirming that you are on the right path or following the right course of action. Or if you have a specific question for which you are needing clarification. It’s important to ask for a specific sign that is meaningful to you within the timeframe that you would like an answer–24 hours for example. A sign might be a coin, or a hawk, or a rainbow, something that you would not miss. Be open to however the sign appears. You may see a drawing of a hawk for example. Always thank your guides in advance for their assistance.
A hummingbird is a meaningful sign for me. Recently I was asking my helping spirits for a sign that I should attend a workshop that I was considering. The cost of the workshop was more than I could afford so I wanted to be certain about it. I requested to see a hummingbird within 24 hours and thanked them for their guidance. An hour later, as I was preparing breakfast, I heard a tapping noise coming from the living room. A hummingbird had flown in through the backdoor and was tapping on the window, trying to get out, which I immediately assisted him to do. This was a very clear answer and one that I couldn’t miss! (As a side note for those of you who are familiar with the hummingbird friends I have at home, I wasn’t at home when this happened.)
2. An inner “knowing” is a powerful way to receive guidance. This is the voice within you that appears as a felt sense, an intuition, or gut reaction. To be open and receptive, you must take time in quieting your mind. When we’re processing something that happened in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future, we might be missing guidance that helping spirits are sending our way. Taking time for daily meditation is a very effective way to be open and receptive.
3. Hearing the voices of our helping spirits and even seeing them is incredibly powerful. There are two ways that I have been able access this form of guidance–night dreams and shamanic journeying.
Every important event in my life has been foretold by dreams. I recommend keeping a dream journal by your bed and writing down whatever you remember the moment you awake. This will help you to remember your dreams as well as bring them into clearer focus. Just before you fall asleep, ask to receive guidance in your dreams about something you are needing help with.
Shamanic journeying is a potent way of accessing our loving and compassionate spirit guides. This method once learned, is accessible to everyone. Using percussive instruments, like a drum or rattle, we can alter our brain waves from an alpha to a theta state, in which we can travel into invisible realms, access a hidden universe, and seek the help and healing that our guides want to give us.
4. Stream of consciousness writing is another incredibly effective way that the voices of our helping spirits can come through us and on to paper. I recommend using pen and paper or journal if you already have one. Begin by asking your helping spirits to write through you and thanking them in advance for their support and guidance. Start writing and keep going without stopping until you’ve written 3 pages. Write whatever comes up without questioning anything before you write it. You can set a timer for 20 or 30 minutes also. Write whatever is in your head. Try not to second guess anything you’re writing.
You’ll find that guidance very quickly opens as you start writing. I have found that most people are very surprised with what comes out when they let it flow.
5. Watch for signs and synchronicities and trust in them. Just when you need it most, you might hear a song on the radio with the answer you are seeking. You might see a word or read a passage in a book.
We are spirits in human bodies. These bodies and minds give us the opportunity to move around the world through our senses. Yet we have universal light burning in us. So why would it be unreasonable to think that we could connect and be guided by helping spirits that are not in human bodies now?
Trust that guidance is available to you. Ask for help and healing, knowing that we work co-creatively with our guides. When we open to receiving the support of our guides, our hearts swell with the gratitude that comes from knowing we are not alone, struggling through these tumultuous times. The more time we spend in gratitude, the more divine support we will attract.
The spirits will guide us but they aren’t going to do our personal work for us. Our life is still our responsibility–we are here on Classroom Earth to learn and grow. However, we have support and we can use the information that our helping spirits give us to maintain our balance, confidence and clarity.
When I’m in trust, co-creativity and gratitude, life flows easily. In this way, I am based more in love than fear, and life is nourishing rather than a constant struggle. Like any form of personal growth, whether physical, mental or spiritual, we must cultivate the practice as we develop and deepen relationships with our helping spirits. Spirits that are unconditionally loving and profoundly patient.
There are greater dimensions of the world that are here to support us, both seen and unseen. The unseen worlds are the greatest gift we’ve got right now to move us into the world we want to create and in support of our planet. It is more essential now than it ever has been, to access this help because we’ve reached the limit of our capacity of what we can do. We must manifest in the physical world what we initiate in the invisible world first.
You might be wondering if I made my flight. A few moments after my request, two immigration officers opened new checkpoints. As I rolled my luggage toward customs, another new line opened as I handed my bag to the attendant. Because I needed to change terminals, I ran with all my heart to security and another long line. Again, a new checkpoint opened and as I removed my shoes and toiletries and placed my carryon on the belt, a TSA agent shuttled me over to the expedited scanner, therefore bypassing the entire line. When I reached the departing gate, they were just beginning the boarding process. They had delayed the flight long enough for me to make it.
I believe in you,
* * * * *
I am teaching a 5-day retreat, Immersion into Guidance, October 14-19, 2019 (as well as in April 2020.) We will be exploring access to self and spirit realms through art, writing, nature exploration, plant medicine and shamanic journeying. If you would like more information, please go to Immersion into Guidance Retreat.
I would love to hear from you. What does guidance mean to you? Please share your comments below or email me directly at tricia@triciaacheatel.com
It would be an honor to have you in my new Facebook group, The Expression of Our Unique Gifts. Here is the LINK.