Awaken to Your Power and Reconnect with Your Spirit

7-Week Live Experiential Online Course With Tricia Amara – Seer, Herbalist, Shamanic Teacher & Visionary Guide

Integrating Plant Medicine with Visioning & Ritual for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Resilience.

This is a course like you've never taken before.

Vibrant health and happiness comes from freeing ourselves of the pain caused by our thoughts and beliefs and the ecstatic union of our spirit with all of life.

Registration is now closed for the live course. Sign up to be the first to know about our next cohort:

Awaken Your Inner Healer ✨ Develop Your Guidance System ✨ Ignite Your Purpose

Exciting news! Practical Tools for the Awakened Woman is now available as a self-paced course:

This is a course completely tailored to women just like you!

Women who are looking to make a difference, to be connected to something bigger, to be living according to divine guidance.

This 3-Part Course is designed for women who desire a deeper connection with Spirit and to begin living from a place of power, courage and resilience.

There’s never been a more momentous time than now to step into your greatness and create from your spiritual self, in service.