5 Essential Steps to a Life of Passion & Purpose

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5 Essential Steps eBook Cover.jpg

5 Essential Steps to a Life of Passion & Purpose


We need an active process to learn how to live a life of purpose. Most of us are never taught how to accept the cyclical and unavoidable transitions that are part of this human life. We humans learn to accept a life of suffering, yet we yearn for happiness, we yearn for meaning, and we yearn for deep connection with ourselves and with others.

This e-book is for anyone who is on a threshold, seeking clear direction at one of life’s crossroads. Whether you’re facing a life transition, a health issue, or want to build the business you desire, here are a few questions for you to ponder to help you create space around your yearning, align with your higher purpose, and live a meaningful life.

The 5 Steps of The Process:

  1. For many of us somewhere along the way, most often in the dilemmas and angst of adolescence, a sense of confusion obscured the simple desires of childhood. What we wanted to do became muddled by expectations about what we—or others—thought we should do. Do you know what brings you joy?

  2. We must begin to identify our limiting thoughts in order to begin moving toward what we desire most in life. Limiting thoughts are either about circumstances that have happened in the past or are fears about the future. What stories about the past or fears about the future and holding you back from living in your fullness?

  3. Your body is an incredibly effective tool that is available to you every moment of every day to help you free yourself from self-sabotaging beliefs and limiting behavior patterns that are keeping you stuck and in pain. Your body knows things well ahead of your mind. Thoughts create emotions, which manifest in physical sensations in your body. Are you able to parcel them apart?

  4. Imagine that you hear God speaking directly to you. A booming voice says: “You can have or create anything that you want. What do you want? Give me your list, I’m all ears.” What would you ask for?

  5. When we see our lives from the perspective of learning and growth, we can have gratitude for the long and winding journey that has brought us to this moment in time. We are exactly where we need to be in order to do what we need to do next. None of it has been a mistake. Everything you’ve done, and every choice you have made, has formed you into who you are today. Can you find the thread that connects it all, so you can see where to go next?

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